
Reinforcing Progress with Innovation and Education

Innovation is the common thread of human history. However, the basis for progress must become more stable. Covestro advocates for a more fact-based approach, education for sustainable development, and the strengthening of science.

Despite all concerns about the current state of the world, the long-term history of mankind is a history of progress, technological innovations, and social achievements. The social foundations for this must be reinforced: the willingness to engage in constructive dialogue based on facts, scientific education, and the freedom and acceptance of science.


percent of Europeans were unsure whether information on the Internet is true or not


million children worldwide do not go to school (UNESCO).

percent of Europeans believe that the overall societal impact of science and technology is positive (Eurobarometer 2021)

Conveying the Value of Progress

As a science-based, open company with a positive attitude, Covestro aims to take a stronger stance on these issues. Communicating the value of rationality, education, and research is crucial. Innovations that can advance the economy and society matter most. Covestro wants to show that progress and positive change are viable and worthwhile for everyone.

“Humanity is in need of a huge innovation boost to solve the multi-faceted global challenges. But the social foundations for more progress are crumbling. This is why Covestro advocates for more fact-based, solution-oriented thinking and action, more sustainable and cutting-edge education systems, and more freedom of sciences.”

Markus Steilemann

CEO of Covestro

In view of many crises and long-term risks, many people feel overwhelmed and insecure. According to the Edelman Trust Barometer, the economy as an institution still enjoys the highest level of trust. Companies, as influential socio-political players, have a role in countering the increasing lack of direction. Covestro addresses the topics of fact orientation, education, and science more strongly.

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