
Equity Indices

Covestro belongs to the 30 most important listed companies in Germany. On March 19, 2018, Covestro was included in the DAX stock market index, triggered by the fast-entry rule. Before, Covestro was part of the MDAX stock market index, following its index inclusion on December 21, 2015, roughly two months after its flotation. The MDAX is composed of 50 companies in the prime standard segment ranking below the 30 shares in the DAX.
Index Zone Inclusion
DAX Germany March 19, 2018
MDAX Germany December 21, 2015
STOXX Europe 600 Europe April 1, 2016
MSCI Global Standard Germany Global June 1, 2016
FTSE Global Equity Index Series Global June 20, 2016
FTSE4GOOD Global Index Global December 19, 2016

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