
Share Buyback

Covestro AG requires authorization from the Annual General Meeting before acquiring own shares, unless expressly permitted by law. The current authorization was granted to the company by the Annual General Meeting in April 2024.

In the past, Covestro AG has conducted two share buyback programs. The first program involved the repurchase of own shares between November 2017 and December 2018. In three tranches, a total of shares amounting to over 9.8% of the share capital, or valued at nearly 1.5 billion euros, were acquired. The latest buyback program was carried out between March 2022 and June 2023. 199 million euros of the originally planned 500 million euros were executed. Covestro bought back 4.7 million shares with an average price of EUR 42.50 per share.

At the Annual General Meeting 2024, Covestro AG was authorized again to acquire treasury shares up to a total of 10% of the company's existing capital stock.

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